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Renewable Gas Monitoring

  • Wide range of solution in the area of renewable energy sources and infrastructure
  • Development in progress for a new kind of portable H2S detektor
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INFRA.sens® AK20Gcompact & ULTRA.sens® H2S Modul

Measure the future energy sources 

Biogas is produced by fermentation of organic waste and renewable resources (NAWAROS). The main components of biogas are methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). 

Renewable Gas Monitoring

Depending on the type of material used, biogas may also contain a significant amount of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Furthermore, the biogas also contains nitrogen (N), oxygen (O2), ammonia (NH3), and water vapor/moisture. 

Wi.Tec has implemented a special procedure for the calibration of the modules that are used for biogas applications. Due to the carrier gas dependency of CO2, Wi.Tec offers a module with vice versa CO2 / CH4 calibration. 

To detect the H2S concentrations in biogas the ULTRA.sens® AK100 can be used for measurement ranges down to 500ppm. 

H2 development in progress based on thermal conductutivity. 


Features & Benefits

  • Wide range of solution in the area of renewable energy sources and infrastructure
  • Development in progress for a new kind of portable H2S detektor