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Einfache Anfragen mit Wi.Tec

Gasmessungen sind komplexe Angelegenheiten. Für Ihre Anfrage nutzen Sie bitte unsere super-einfache Checkliste Anforderungsanalyse oder schicken Sie uns eine formlose E-Mail, um schnell mit uns in Kontakt zu treten.


Übersicht Messtechnik


Übersicht Gase

Gase, messbar mit INFRA.sens®

Gase, messbar mit ULTRA.sens®

Liste der Messbereiche

  Messbereich (*)
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.3%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.3%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.3%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.5%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | INFRA.sens AK250 TBH CO CO2
No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found
N₂O No items found
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.3%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found No items found
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.5%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.5%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.3%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.5%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found No items found No items found
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.5%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found
  1. | (< 0.3%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.3%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found
H₂O No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found
O₃ No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found
  1. | (< 0.5%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.5%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found
  1. | ULTRA.sens AK250 / AZF VP O3 | YES
Cl₂ No items found No items found
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found No items found
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found No items found
ClO₂ No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found
CS₂ No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found
H₂S No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found
  1. | ULTRA.sens AK100 (LED)
  1. | ULTRA.sens AK100 (LED)
  1. | ULTRA.sens AK100 (LED)
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.5%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found No items found
SO₂ No items found No items found No items found No items found
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.5%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.5%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found
NO₂ No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.1%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.2%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.5%) | KOMBI.sens
  1. | (< 0.5%) | KOMBI.sens
No items found No items found
NO No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found No items found
  1. | ULTRA.sens AK100 TBH (UVRAS)
  1. | ULTRA.sens AK100 TBH (UVRAS)
  1. | ULTRA.sens AK100 TBH (UVRAS)
  1. | ULTRA.sens AK100 TBH (UVRAS)
  1. | ULTRA.sens AK100 TBH (UVRAS)
No items found No items found No items found No items found
(*) Messbereichsendwert (F.S.)
Weitere Messbereiche entnehmen Sie bitte unseren weiteren Datenblättern

Modulares Sensordesign

20210111 ZIM kostenlose Webinare

Um Gasanalysen möglichst flexibel an individuelle Messaufgaben anpassen zu können, wurden die einzelnen Komponenten modular konstruiert. Dadurch entstand ein Baukasten-System, in dem die unterschiedlichen fotometrischen Komponenten wie Detektoren, Strahler, Messküvette usw. austauschbar sind. Als Küvettenmaterial wird standardmäßig Aluminium mit Glanzvergoldung und passivierter Edelstahl eingesetzt. Für Spezialanwendungen ist auch PEEK (Poly–etheretherketon) lieferbar.

Mit diesem durchdachten Sensordesign können auch kundenspezifische Anwendungen realisiert werden, ohne dass eine komplette Neuentwicklung des Gassensors erforderlich wird. Zudem wird durch die Modularität ein Austausch einzelner Komponenten und die Wartung im Servicefall wesentlich erleichtert. Vollständig geklebte Gassensoren hingegen lassen sich nur als ganze Einheit austauschen und erzeugen somit im Servicefall hohe Folgekosten (total cost of ownership).

Optional können unsere Gasmesssysteme auch mit einer Druckmessung (P.sens), Sauerstoffmessung (O2.sens), oder einer Feuchtemessung (HUMI.sens) ausgestattet werden.

Systemuebersicht en US

Sensor Konfigurationen

Konfigurationen   Sensor 1 (*) Sensor 2 (*) Sensor 3 (*) Optionen / zusätzliche Sensoren (**)
Single Gas Module 1.1 O₂ P H
1.2 O₂ P H
Dual Gas Module 2.1 O₂ P H
2.2 O₂ P H
2.3 O₂ P H
Triple Gas Module 3.1 O₂ P H
3.2 O₂ P H
3.3 O₂ P H
(*) Nur ein Gas wählbar pro Sensor
(**) P = Druck, H = Feuchte